John Williams
Thank you for your trust, John and Leeanne. I certainly value your confidence in my doing the right thing for people who reachout to me to help them determine their long term care options.
Marcia Stevens
Gerald & Phyllis Lee
Linda from Central Texas
Debra Black - Nurse/case Manager
I found that Kim is a very approachable and knowledgeable agent. She met with me at my convenience. On my arrival she was prepared and ready. She listens and responds appropriately to concerns and questions. When I walked away for our meeting, I felt that I had spent a "visit with a friend." Thank you, Kim.
Debbie, as a nurse, you know too well how the need for long term care can happen suddenly. Your experience made you ask all the important questions, so meeting with you was easy and fun for me, too.
It has been fun becoming reacquainted after all these years, and I consider it a privilege to help you and your husband.
Luis Cordero
It is an honor to help you, Mr. Cordero. I appreciate your trust.
Mrs. D
Thank you, Mrs. D. I know your family has been through a lot with caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease. I hope you and Mr. D. never need your LTC insurance, but I am glad that having it relieves your mind so much! Kim
Class of 1975
I consider my work a mission, and mission work has no holidays! Thank you for your trust. I appreciate the referral to your sister, so that she can protect her own family from what you are going through with your parents. Kim
Connie Johnson
I bought my long term care insurance when I was 59 years old. That made the premiums low and gave me the assurance that I would not ever need to "qualify" for a policy should I encounter health problems in the future. I have known Kim almost all of her life and I know her to be a very caring person. Her experiences in the long term care insurance business are a great help to her clients. Kim becomes a friend to those she insures and her interest in them continues.
Thank you, Connie. Your recommendation means the world to me.
Jaci Walsh
Thanks, Kim, for all your guidance re: LTC insurance, and also your unconditional friendship. Wish we lived closer to each other:)
It was my great pleasure to have helped you when I could, my friend.
KN in Houston
Kim, Thank you so much for helping me with my long term care planning. I did not realize how important this was to protect our assets and help our children with dealing with us when we get to that point (when we are over 100 years old, I hope). You explained everything so well and we always knew that you had our best interests in mind. I don't know why we put this off when it has given my husband and I so much peace of mind. You were such a blessing! I have already given your name to three people in my bunko club. Kristine
Kristine, I hope you and your husband don't need any care at all, but at least not until you are 100! It was a privilege to help you, and I thank you for the referrals to your friends. That is the biggest compliment you could give me. Best wishes, Kim
Kim, Thank you again for helping me plan for my long term care needs. I hope I never need someone to help me but knowing that 70% of us will need some care (100% in my own family) now I have the peace of mind knowing that I have final gotten off the fence and have a very affordable plan in place. Wow! Thanks again. It sure feels good. Steve
Steve W. since your family has "batted 1000" at needing long term care, I hope you yourself "strike out." But at least you have prepared yourself with a "game plan."
Kim, I am so grateful to you for what you do every day. The education you provide is extremely valuable, I wish my parents had only known about their options. My father, J.W. needed care in his 60’s after an accident, again in his early eighties after falling and breaking his hip, and then for his final 4 years of life. My mom, P. W. is now going in to her 5th year of needing care due to Alzheimer’s. Thank you again for helping me understand my options and helping me make a plan to protect my assets and not be a burden to my family when the time comes for me.
Your story is sadly too common, but at least your mother was able to plan for her LTC after seeing what your father went through. Thank you for your kind words.
San Antonio, TX
My pleasure! I am glad that I could be of service to you.
Health Professional from Victoria County, Texas
Baby Boomer in South Texas
My reasons were pretty simple. I wanted to be taken care of on my own terms as much as possible and as long as possible without breaking the bank. I did not want to burden my children and their families with any expenses for my care when needed.
I am so glad I made that purchase then. As it worked out, less than 8 years later, I am no longer health eligible to purchase a policy. It is a small sacrifice to pay now, but I know it will be worth the peace of mind later.
Home Health Care Professional
Rebecca Boaz Salina Kansas
Cynthia A. Jennison
Dianne from Corpus Christi, Texas
Rev. Millie Mitchmore
Jan from Arizona
The Future is Now
Sylvia Balentine
Many years ago we met Kim Beckham. At the time, we did not realize what a blessing this would turn out to be. Kim was just a very nice saleslady selling Long Term Care Insurance. We were in our… Read More
Gerald & Phyllis Lee

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